Massage and Manual Therapy

Andrew Brown - Westwood Therapies

1. Who can benefit from ‘Massage and Manual Therapy’ ?

Regular clients include amongst others …


2. How does this type of bodywork differ from other forms of massage?

Andrew Brown - Westwood Therapies

This is much more than a relaxation / spa style massage. An orthopaedic style assessment process is used to rule out anything which may require medical attention or need a different type of therapy such as Physiotherapy, Chiropractic etc. This information is used to create a specific treatment plan which is reviewed according to your needs as the treatments progress over time.

This is a brief overview of each type of therapy I combine into a treatment …

  • ADVANCED REMEDIAL MASSAGE … focused, deep, soft tissue massage and joint mobilisation techniques to help ‘remedy’ a musculoskeletal problem. Sports Massage is a type of remedial massage.
  • HENDRICKSON METHOD… Massage and Manual Therapy for Orthopaedic conditions…a unique and highly effective system that combines joint mobilisation, muscle energy techniques and soft tissue massage into one.
  • TUI-NA / Chinese Medical Massage … an ancient system of massage & manual therapy; includes kneading acupuncture points & manipulations.
  • DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE .. and fascial release … a very slow deep massage, typically uses a massage wax for greater grip and slower glide.
  • SOMATIC MOVEMENT ...gentle and very safe home exercise movements for quickly and easily releasing muscle tension.
  • REMEDIAL EXERCISE … simple home stretching and strengthening exercises, sometimes using resistance bands.
Andrew Brown - Westwood Therapies

3. Massage and Manual Therapy benefits

  • Improved range of motion of joints and limbs
  • Acceleration of soft tissue healing
  • Reduction of pain and inflammation
  • Reduction of muscle spasm which can interfere with normal movement
  • Increase in well-being and enjoyment of life

4. What happens during an appointment ?

At the first appointment a consultation is undertaken to screen out anything which may require medical intervention or a different type of therapy such as physiotherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic etc. This is followed by an assessment of the areas of discomfort and a general postural assessment. The information is recorded and used to formulate a treatment plan; this usually takes 15 to 20 minutes. That is followed by hands on treatment using one or a combination of the above mentioned massage / manual therapy techniques.

Andrew Brown - Westwood Therapies
Andrew Brown - Westwood Therapies

5. How many appointments will I need and how long are they ?

The first appointment is 75 minutes, can be 90 minutes or 2 hours. Includes : consultation / assessment / treatment. Injuries usually require a course of treatment ranging from two to three for a simple muscle strain … sometimes several treatments are needed over a number of weeks for more complicated issues. Regular maintenance treatments are effective in helping with chronic long standing issues. Home care advice is given to support you further.

Qualifications and Training

Andrew Brown - NAMMT (RMAdv), Dip. Tui Na F BH®

Professional Associations - Registered Member Of

  1. NAMMT - National Association of Massage & Manipulative Therapists

Qualifications & Training

  1. Sports Massage & Rehab (VTCT level 5)
  2. Advanced Remedial Massage (Northern Institute of Massage level 5)
  3. Hendrickson Method Practitioner (level 5)
  4. Tui-Na (Master CPD)
  5. Dr. Vodder Manual Lymphatic Drainage
  6. Somatic Movement Coaching
  1. Holistic Massage (ITEC level 3)
  2. Thai Massage (Gateway level 2)
  3. Lomi-Lomi (Diploma - Infinity Training Academy)
  4. Reiki (Master Teacher)
  5. Mindfulness teacher

Therapies Overview Qualifications