Relax Massage
This is a massage using deep slow advanced massage technique to promote ease and well-being.
1. Who can benefit from Relax Massage
Anybody who doesn’t have a specific issue or injury ... but still wants a deep form of advanced massage beyond what you get in a Spa relax and let go of deeply held tension in the body. This massage is specifically for your well-being. Fantastic for reducing stress levels.
How does Relax Massage differ from other forms of massage?
This is all about resting deeply and releasing deep held tension. Different forms of massage wax are used to allow deep slow massage strokes that gradually ease deep held tension from the body. Stretches and joint mobilisations are used where appropriate. This is all about well-being and deep rest, release. Sometimes you don’t have anything specifically wrong but you would still like to benefit from the deep massage techniques of Advanced Remedial Massage and other forms of Advanced Bodywork technique... used in a deeply relaxing way … this is it … for all you massage enthusiasts out there !
3. Relax Massage benefits
- Reduce Stress & Deep Held Tension
- Reduction of inflammation
- Reduction of pain
- Reduction of muscle spasm which can interfere with normal posture and movement
- Improvement in overall well-being and enjoyment of life = more smiles
4. What happens during an appointment ?
At the first appointment a consultation is undertaken, followed by an assessment of the areas of discomfort. The information is recorded and used to formulate the treatment plan; this usually takes 10 to 15 minutes. This is followed by hands on treatment. I have a thickly padded couch with large armrest and very comfortable face cushion / face rest. The couch is electric height adjustable with an electric back raise and separate leg raise section for maximum comfort…oh…and it’s heated… and... on cooler days I provide pre-warmed thick fleece oversized blankets. Relaxing essential oils help create an air of peace and tranquility together with soft lighting and music. Follow on appointments have a quick chat at the beginning to see how you are doing, the rest is hands on.
5. How many appointments will I need and how long are they ?
Relax Massage can be enjoyed as often as you like. Appointments are 60 minutes.
Regular Relax Massage significantly helps with the management of long-term issues of Stress, Musculoskeletal Discomfort and Tension … creating an overall improvement in well-being and life enjoyment.